Clarity HQ - Steven Briginshaw
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Clarity HQ - Steven Briginshaw

Meet our COO and founder

Steven Briginshaw FCA FMAAT


Steven is an award-winning entrepreneur, author of the international bestselling book The Profits Principles and international speaker.

He’s a chartered accountant, business coach and consultant who has helped thousands of business owners and accounting firms around the world to build an extraordinary business doing what they love.

Steven’s also started, built and sold two accounting and advisory firms.


Steven is passionate about helping accounting firms fulfil their potential and best support all their clients to thrive.

It’s Steven’s dream to see a world where everyone has their basic needs met; clean air, pure water, nutritious food, comfortable clothing and safe shelter. Entrepreneurs and business owners are best placed to make this happen on a local community and international scale. After all 95% of all business in the world are small.

As a child Steven was fascinated with business and loved numbers. In particular, he wanted to understand how some businesspeople were able to generate huge wealth from their business and live in Monaco. It was only when Steven grow up helping with his father’s business that he realised understanding numbers and being able to interpret them for others is a superpower.

After A-Levels Steven started his accountancy training in a local three partner firm where he gained his Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) and chartered accountant (ACA) qualifications in 2006.

In 2006 Steven also started a side bookkeeping business using cloud technology to better help business owners understand their numbers.

By working closely with his clients; helping to explain their numbers and make better decisions, Steve realised he empathised with his business owner clients having gone through similar experiences with his side businesses and seeing what his father went through too.

In 2012 Steven had the opportunity to become partner in the firm but instead decided to leave and start his own accounting firm advising business owners how to grow, improve and exit their business. In 2013, the firm won Best New Business in the Best Business Awards and was a finalist in the prestigious AVN Accounting Firm of the Year Award. Steven also won Entrepreneur of the Year, 3rd place.

Steven sold his accounting firm in 2015 to a local firm, created another by accident, which he sold in 2017, and directly helped business owners and accountants build a better business, a better life, for everyone who comes into contact with the business, and contribute towards a better world.

International bestselling author

Steven’s book The Profits Principles was first published in 2016 and became a number one bestseller in the UK and number 2 bestseller in the US. The Kindle copy of the book reached number 226 of all Kindle books available on Amazon UK.

The Profits Principles is a 7 step process to help business owners build their ideal business and move away from owning a job; getting the time, money and freedom their deserve. It too provides the framework for accountants to offer complementary consulting and coaching services in addition to their compliance services.

In 2018 Steven also contributed to another international bestselling book called Better Business, Better Life, Better World: The Movement.

Steven has given keynote talks all over the world; for the accounting profession as well as for small businesses.

Why Clarity?

“Having worked with 1,000’s of businesses and accountants all over the world over the past 20 years+, I’ve seen first-hand that more help is needed to not just help small businesses survive – the survival rates are shockingly low – but to help small businesses thrive.

The small business accountant is best placed to help but, unfortunately, accountants generally only have the means to support the top 20% of their clients. Until now!

Clarity was born to help business owners make better decisions to get to their ideal future and provide all the client facing team in the accounting firm with the structure to make this possible for all of their clients at a price clients love to pay.”

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