Our Clarity March Member of the Month is a seasoned pro with Facebook Lives. Hetty Verney showed Member Success how it’s done for our weekly Facebook Live session to share how Clarity has made a real difference to the lives of her clients and transformed her firm. Including how Clarity and Profit First go hand in hand.
Find out a little bit more about what goes on behind the scenes at With Hetty…
Tell us a bit about you – what motivates you, what’s your ‘why’, what do you enjoy outside of your accounting firm.
I’ve been an accountant for about 20 years, running my business slowly increasing my turnover as time went on, but not building it to where I wanted it to be, until about 2 years ago when I started setting my goals a lot higher, not just for me but for my clients as well. This is also when I found out about Profit First. I am passionate about helping my clients, take home what they deserve by making their businesses consistently profitable. I love travelling to France, we are lucky enough to have a house there, obviously at the moment we can’t get there but the plan is to retire out there. Finally, love to play tennis and walk, a lot!
Looking forward, what do you think is possible for your firm? 
With my vision to help entrepreneurs take home the pay that will help them create the lifestyle they want the sky is the limit, its just a question of getting the right systems, processes and people in place now.
I know you recently became Profit First certified. How excited are you about that and how do you see Clarity and Profit First fitting in together?
I am so excited about this; they work so well together.
I read Mike Michalowicz’s book and thought ‘this is too good to be true’ ‘it can’t possibly work’. Then I thought about it and realised that if I wanted to test it out and maybe roll it out to my clients then I had to use it myself, I had to walk my talk, so I did. I set up all the accounts Mike advised, and ran it to the letter, and it worked, so then I started tweaking it to suit my business and the UK market. It’s a fabulous book but in my opinion it’s over complicated and not that suited to the UK company structures.
So I tweaked it and refined it to make it work and making it much more straightforward. Implementing Profit First and Clarity into a business gives the owner a completely different view of what is possible, it excites them and focuses them on what’s possible.
What progress or changes have you made in your firm over the last month?
Huge progress! I’m working with Amanda C Watts and her Momentum group which is fabulous. It is really focusing me to think about my ideal client and who I am targeting. Additionally, it’s making myself more visible and really putting myself out there. I now do a Facebook Live every Friday morning with various little snippets on how to make your business more profitable, and how to run it more efficiently. It seems to be very well received and having hated being on camera initially, I actually quite enjoy it now!
What would you say to someone who was thinking about signing up to Clarity?
Don’t delay, the focus it gives a business is amazing. You can create an extra income stream by using Clarity, and fast, so why wouldn’t you give it a try!?
How has Clarity transformed your firm?
Clarity has made me see why it is so important for clients to understand their numbers and working with Profit First it gives them a new focus and goal to aim for.
How has Clarity made a difference to your clients?
Clarity makes my clients look at their numbers in a completely different way.
It makes them fall back in love with their businesses and remember why they set them up in the beginning.
What tangible results have you got from Clarity?
I can now offer this as part of my packages for my new clients. The benefit they get from it is reflected in the prices I can now charge.
Clarity HQ
The Clarity platform is empowering all of your team to deliver business advisory to all of your clients through our out-of-the-box solution. We provide accountants with the tools to scale advisory, that is appropriate for both the client and the fee involved. So, by making business simple, Clarity offers a conversation starter that empowers all members of your team to introduce advisory to 100% of their client base.
Finally, if you would like to speak to a member of the team, contact us on [email protected] for more information.